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Administrative Statutes

Listed below are administrative statutes that relate to the responsibilities of IEMA, along with a synopsis of each statute.​

[5 ILCS 120/]

This statute ensures that the actions and deliberations of public bodies are open to the public.  Requirements for open meetings such as notice, quorum, and minutes are included in this statute. 

[5 ILCS 100/1]

This statute provides requirements for State agency rulemaking and administrative hearings for contested cases.  

[5 ILCS 140/]

This statute ensures public access to records in the possession of State agencies.

[30 ILCS 500/]

This statute ensures that the principles of competitive bidding and economical procurement practices are applicable to all purchases and contracts by or for any State agency.

[30 ILCS 705/]

This statute provides requirements for public funds dispensed by a grantor agency to any person or entity for obligation, expenditure, or use by that person or entity for a specific purpose. The statute also provides the procedures for recovery of grant funds that have been misspent or improperly held.

[30 ILCS 708/]

This statute increases the accountability and transparency in the use of grant funds and reduces administrative burdens on both State agencies and grantees by adopting federal guidance and regulations applicable to such grant funds, specifically the Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards codified at 2 CFR 200.