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Proposed/Pending Regulations

Political Subdivision Emergency Services and Disaster Agencies, 29 Ill. Adm. Code 301

Proposed amendments were published on February 28, 2025, in the Illinois Register, Vol. 49, Issue 9 beginning page 2252.  The Agency is proposing these amendment to Part 301 to align requirements for emergency operations plans (EOPs) and exercises with the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) National Preparedness System and Comprehensive Preparedness Guide (CPG) 101. These amendments are intended to assist local emergency management agencies (ESDAs/EMAs) with emerging threats and hazards and increase communication between IEMA-OHS and local jurisdictions in order to become better prepared for disasters.  

Interested parties may submit comments regarding the proposed amendments as indicated in the Illinois Register.

DRAFT Radon Rules

IEMA-OHS radon program has drafted new radon rules, 32 Illinois Administrative Code 420, 421, and 422, to be consistent with national standards.  PDF versions of  the drafts are provided below and the radon program is currently accepting public comment on these drafts.  Any questions or comments concerning these drafts can be directed to the radon program at   These draft rules have not been filed for promulgation yet, but the radon program does anticipate filing later this year.  IEMA will continue to provide updates regarding the status of these draft rules on this webpage.