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Access and Functional Needs Resources

Following a year-long, statewide, grassroots project called Illinois Homeland Security Vision 2020, a series of town hall meetings that engaged all public safety disciplines, schools, elected officials, the private sector, and private citizens, Illinois updated its Homeland Security Strategy and established eight strategic priorities. Priority #4 is to ensure the whole community has the ability to prepare for, prevent, protect, and respond to an emergency or crisis situation and support the dissemination of crisis and disaster intelligence information to appropriate agencies to ensure the whole community has access to current, actionable information. The following information is designed to serve as a “one-stop shop” for resources to assist this process.

Local Access and Functional Needs Resources

Following are some examples of how local units of government in Illinois have implemented emergency operations plans that allow them to effectively include Access and Functional Needs in their planning. 

Access and Functional Needs Best Practices

Following are some examples of best practices regarding including access and functional needs in plans.

Access and Functional Needs Toolkits and Training

Guidebooks, tips books, handbooks and trainings specifically related to functional and access needs exist at both the state and federal levels.