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Tier II Site Plan Requirements
Site plans (maps) must meet minimum requirements. In Tier 2 Manager, a site plan is a one-page diagram of where the Tier 2 chemicals are stored within the facility's site/location. A site plan (map) may be attached in Step 3 on the Facility Home Page. Site Map requirements, and sample site maps, are listed in the Resource Link Section below. In addition to indicating where, within the site, the Tier 2 chemicals are stored, a facility site plan (map) must contain the following information: date, facility name, facility 9-1-1 address, facility Tier 2 Manager username, latitude/longitude, map direction (N/S/E/W), and location of the nearest water source (i.e. hydrant). If a facility does not have a 9-1-1 address, the nearest crossroads must be noted on the map. If there are containers with roofs, indicate the roof type of each container. If there is one or more berms onsite, indicate how much (in gallons) of product, plus water, each berm will hold. Note: the map must be attached as an image file. Site map file types accepted are JPG, BMP, and GIF. Contact an IEMA Tier 2 Specialist (information below) for mapping assistance.
Site Plans/Maps are to be used by Planners, as well as Responders, and should be as detailed as possible.
Samples of site plans (maps) can be viewed by clicking on the links below: